Descargar Be Careful and Stay Safe (Learning to Get Along) de Cheri J. Meiners Libros Gratis en EPUB, Be Careful and Stay Safe (Learning to Get Along) Descargar libro
Be Careful and Stay Safe (Learning to Get Along) de Cheri J. Meiners
Descripci贸n - Rese帽a del editor A series that helps children learn, understand and practice basic social and emotional skills, with examples taken from real-life situations that make these books appropriate for childcare settings, schools and the home. Each book includes a special section for adults, with discussion questions, games, activities and tips that reinforce the skills and ideas being taught. Biograf铆a del autor Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed., has her master鈥檚 degree in elementary education and gifted education. A former first-grade teacher, she has taught education classes at Utah State University and has supervised student teachers. Cheri and her husband, David, have six children. They live in Laurel, Maryland.
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Be careful and stay safe learning to get along be careful and stay safe learning to get along meiners, cheri j libros en idiomas extranjeros Be careful and stay safe paperback learning to get along be careful and stay safe paperback learning to get along the world can seem so perilous, especially where our children are concerned but even very young children can learn basic skills for staying safe in ordinary situations and preparing for emergencies Be careful and stay safe learning to get along meiners be careful and stay safe learning to get along paperback november 15, 2006 by cheri j meiners med author 42 out of 5 stars 36 ratings see all 7 formats and editions hide other formats and editions price new from used from
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Be Careful and Stay Safe (Learning to Get Along)
- Autor: Cheri J. Meiners
- Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Desarrollo y cuestiones personales y sociales
- Tama帽o del archivo: 16 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Espa帽ol
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Lee un libro Be Careful and Stay Safe (Learning to Get Along) de Cheri J. Meiners Libros Gratis en EPUB
Be careful and stay safe learning to get along芒 pdf this book along with james kerrs bullyproof how to stop bullying and gain blackbelt confidence would make an excellent combination for children who want to have a stronger, safer, happier, and better social life be careful and stay safe learning to get along芒 learning 25 learning techniques for accelerated learning learn faster by Be careful and stay safe cheri j meiners google books the world can seem so perilous, especially where our children are concerned but even very young children can learn basic skills for staying safe in ordinary situations and preparing for emergencies without scaring kids or alarming adults, this book teaches little ones how to avoid potentially dangerous situations, ask for help, follow directions, use things carefully, and plan ahead Be careful and stay safe book, 2007 worldcat get this from a library be careful and stay safe cheri j meiners meredith johnson explains the importance of safety and things children can do to be safe in their daily lives
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