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I Can Be Safe: A First Look at Safety (First Look At...Series) de Pat Thomas
Descripción - Reseña del editor This friendly little book acknowledges kids� fears and makes them aware of things they need in order to feel safe in different situations. They learn, for instance, to look both ways when crossing a road, to wear special clothing for sports, to know their parents� names, phone number, and emergency numbers, and many other details. A First Look At� is an easy-to-understand series of books for younger children. Each title explores emotional issues and discusses the questions such difficulties invariably raise among kids of preschool through early school age. Written by a psychotherapist and child counselor, each title promotes positive interaction among children, parents, and teachers. The books are written in simple, direct language that makes sense to younger kids. Each title also features a guide for parents on how to use the book, a glossary, suggested additional reading, and a list of resources. There are attractive full-color illustrations on every page. (Ages 4�7) Contraportada This friendly book helps make children aware of things to know and do in order to be safe in different situations. They learn, for instance, to look both ways when crossing a road, to wear special clothing for sports, to know their parents' names and phone number in case of an emergency, and many other safety-related details. Written by psychotherapist and counselor Pat Thomas, these superb advice books promote interaction among children, parents, and teachers on personal, social, and emotional issues. Books in the series: Don't Call Me Special -- a first look at disability I Can Be Safe -- a first look at safety I Miss You -- a first look at death Is It Right to Fight? -- a first look at anger My Amazing Body -- a first look at health and fitness My Brother, My Sister, and Me -- a first look at sibling rivalry My Family's Changing -- a first look at family break-up My Friends and Me -- a first look at friendship My New Family -- a first look at adoption Stop Picking on Me -- a first look at bullying The Skin I'm In -- a first look at racism
I can be safe a first look at safety a book by pat thomas buy a cheap copy of i can be safe a first look at safety a book by pat thomas this friendly little book acknowledges kids fears and makes them aware of things they need in order to feel safe in different situations they learn, for instance, free shipping over 10 I can be safe a first look at safety a first look at i can be safe a first look at safety a first look atseries skip to main content hello, sign in account amp lists sign in account amp lists returns amp orders try prime cart books go search hello select your address send dad an egift card Testit te lo pone a huevo exámenes resueltos exámenes resueltos, inglés, francés, alemán, pau, selectividad, pruebas de certificación, eoi, ceso, pruebas de acceso, english, deutsch, français, examenes
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: I Can Be Safe: A First Look at Safety (First Look At...Series)
- Autor: Pat Thomas
- Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Desarrollo y cuestiones personales y sociales
- Tamaño del archivo: 15 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
[Download] I Can Be Safe: A First Look at Safety (First Look At...Series) de Pat Thomas Ebooks, PDF, ePub
I can be safe a first look at safety by pat thomas i can be safe a first look at safety by pat thomas, leslie harker illustrator 409 rating details 33 ratings 7 reviews this friendly little book acknowledges kids fears and makes them aware of things they need in order to feel safe in different situations customer reviews i can be safe a first look find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for i can be safe a first look at safety a first look atseries at read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users I can be safe a first look at safety series pdf can be safe a first look at safety series or just about any type of ebooks, for any type of product download i can be safe a first look at safety series pdf best of all, they are entirely free to find, use and download, so there is no cost or stress at all i can
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