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Descargar Be Aware!: My Tips for Personal Safety (Cloverleaf Books - My Healthy Habits) de Gina Bellisario,Renee Kurilla PDF ePub

Descargar Be Aware!: My Tips for Personal Safety (Cloverleaf Books - My Healthy Habits) de Gina Bellisario,Renee Kurilla libros ebooks, Be Aware!: My Tips for Personal Safety (Cloverleaf Books - My Healthy Habits) Pdf descargar

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Be Aware!: My Tips for Personal Safety (Cloverleaf Books - My Healthy Habits) de Gina Bellisario,Renee Kurilla

Descripción - Críticas 'These books present tips for children about how to develop healthy and safe habits. Each story is told from the perspective of a child who is dealing with a specific issue (a picky eater who realizes that he needs to eat more healthy foods, a girl giving her brother advice on staying safe) and shows how he or she learns more about it with the help of friends and family. Though the first-person narratives, which flow easily and contain clear, direct language, are not conventional nonfiction in format, they still convey useful information. Eye-catching full-color illustrations match the text and aid comprehension, while red text boxes emphasize important points. An engaging series that deals with everyday problems kids may face.' --School Library Journal, Series Made Simple--Journal Reseña del editor Children show how to stay safe and avoid danger, including watching out for cars, avoiding strangers, and being safe on the school bus. Biografía del autor Gina Bellisario is the author of fiction and nonfiction books for young readers (and the grown-ups who read to them). She lives with her husband and their twin young readers in Park Ridge, Illinois.Renee Kurilla is an illustrator, dabbling author, and Lead Artist at FableVision Studios. She got her start in animation working as a character designer on the Discovery Kids TV adaptation of Time Warp Trio. She has since illustrated many books for kids including Margarita Engle's Tree Dancers: Orangutanka (2015) and Stuart J. Murphy's I See I Learn (4 titles, 2010). Her work at FableVision has contributed to multiple honors, including the graphic novel Zebrafish (2008), a Junior Library Guild selection, and the Ranger Rick's Tree House App for the National Wildlife Federation, which won a 2013 Parents' Choice Award. Renée lives just outside Boston, MA with her husband and fluffy cat, her primary sketchbook inspiration.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Be Aware!: My Tips for Personal Safety (Cloverleaf Books - My Healthy Habits)
  • Autor: Gina Bellisario,Renee Kurilla
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Desarrollo y cuestiones personales y sociales
  • Tamaño del archivo: 12 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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